Wendy Ying, who is she?

by USDFD on August 29, 2012

Wendy Ying, who is she? She’s not a driver,or groom (more on this later), or official. She is, though, Co-Host of the Driving Radio Show of the Horse Radio Network, http:drivingradioshow.horseradionetwork.com . Horse Radio Network will feature Team USA on its show so tune in maybe starting as late as next Tuesday. She is also Dr Ying, a veterinarian at 5 Elements for Animals, a mobile traditional Chineses veterinary medicine practice, 5Elements4Animals.com . She also has partnered with Tremont Farm (Gold Medalist Randy cadwell and FEI Team Driver Keady Cadwell.

Wendy has driven Pleasure and Combined Driving as single, pair, tandem.team, and unicorn. She may groom for Pam.

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